Friday, December 7, 2012

November Story Times

We started November's story time at Charisse's house where she red a story about a turkey's Thanksgiving corn feast and then we made our own turkey's out of pine cones.
The next week was my turn and I read Fancy Nacey's Thanksgiving Banquet, which told how us how to make feather turkeys in it so then we made out own cute feather turkeys, an activity after my feather LOVIN' Phoebe's own heart!
We ended the month with a Pilgrim story at Julie's house the day before Thanksgiving. After the story she taught all of us how to make darling Turkey-cakes while all the kiddos dawned on their own pilgrim hats.
Another fun month down and I am excited for all the fun Christmas story times to come!

Truly A Thankful Fergy Fest

Every year in school Phoebe has made a different cute turnkey day craft, the feather turnkey was last year and the cute hand paint turkey was this year's model.
We had a nice relaxing morning and watch the parade as a family then slowly started to get ready for our fest but having Daddy and the kiddos make the bacon wrapped smokies while I made the yumm-o yams.
We then set off to Dave's house where we had most of all the Fergy clan this year. Dave's basement turned out to be the perfect place setting for such a large gathering, we were able to all gather around the long makeshift table we created. The food of coarse was ALL DELICIOUS!!
After we binged on all the delicious food we could we had a little time to recoup, play, & watch some Shrek 4 on TV.
After wha seemed like too little of time all the desserts made their appearance  It looked all so delicious, but I was too full to try all but just 2 pies. The kids were only interested in boring ole the ice cream and Savannah's yummy homemade chocolate pudding and skipped all the yummy pies all togeher.
Following dessert we quickly whipped through the Black Friday ads, as in fact some didn't even make it through them before it was time to head out shopping for Walmart's first sale. I will say, I am NOT a fan of how early on Thanksgiving day the sales have started.  I felt a little rushed at the end of our relaxing Thanksgiving day which is too bad and I hope with all the complaints people have made they do not continue to have black Friday start on Thanksgiving Thursday.

I arose at 2:40am on Friday to get in my deal shopping and found a few cute clothing items in-spite of it being what I would call a lack luster year! As is almost always the case in our family we have a mini Fergy Thanksgiving meal the day after Thanksgiving so that we may have a tine of our own delicious left overs. This year Davey and Grandma Fergy were able to join us which is always fun! We ended the evening with an in prompt to underwear fashion show given by Cami showing & modeling all the new fairy underwear she had received earlier that day.  
We all just laughed as you could see how excited Cami was with her precious underwear, what can I say??It's an always exciting time in this Fergy house, you never know what actives we will have in store for all of our lucky guests. HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING!

Disney on BLUE Ice

November always means the Daddy Daughter Date annual homage to see Disney on"blue" Ice as Phoebe calls it. Since Cami had just turned 3 it was her first year that she was able to join in on this fun date. The trip involves riding downtown on the train (Trax) - unfortunately we missed the first train and had to wait for another; Cami took this opportunity to stretch out on the benches. It was a tough wait . . . 
. . . but once we finally got on board, the girls just went crazy with excitement. They loved looking out the windows and telling me about everything they could see.
After picking up our tickets, the girls got to hand their individual tickets to the best worker at the arena - Grandpa Fergy (which is always a treat). We had excellent seats and they both loved picking out their own snacks - both chose pretzel bites both only ended up eating half (so Daddy took care of the leftovers).  
Phoebe and Cami both did very well as far as paying attention to the show. Phoebe thought all of the princesses dancing was by far the best, and Cami of course couldn't stop shouting when Belle came out to dance with the Beast and then whenever Mickey & Minnie Mouse came out.
We will continue to hear about this wonderful show every time a trax passes us by until it's time go go again next November!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sophie's First Day of Nursery

In the middle of November Sophie finally started attending Nursery in our church, a class for children beginning at age 18 mos. These are pics after church on her first day of nursery.
It must been a bit eventful for her, because she was so tired when she came home she fell asleep in her chair at lunch time.  She did wake up for dinner super happy, however and gorged on herself on the rigatoni!
So far Sophie has been our most content and quiet child, however lately she is getting quiet an attitude and no longer is content to sit quietly by while siblings take things and bug her. Sophie has developed a very loud banshee like scream that makes everyone on the block know immediately that she has feels she has been wronged in some manner. 
Sophie has also been developing more of her climbing skills and the classic Fergy child naughty nature. In spite of the previous trait, I still love the little stinkin' guts out of this short stack!

Snow Light, Snow Bright, First Snow I See...

The middle of November brought us our first and only snowfall of this winter so far, no that I am complaining, this Oregon girl at heart gets quickly sick of all the snow and cold around here. My, kiddos, however love it and so it is fun to watch them outside in it, especially when it was Sophie's first time to really play in the snow, which she seemed reserved about.
The mot excite thing for Sophie was that all the grape leaves did off so she could finally see all the grapes she neglected to eat earlier in the summer. She stood there for 5 minutes or more eating all the frozen grapes she could reach; I would have thought it would give her a brain freeze, but she seemed totally content to keep shoveling, be it, eat away.
Phoebe was of course just thrilled to make her lazy Fergy style of snowmen in the chairs. I have t admit if you can see the faces, they turned out a bit creepy this time made from left over Halloween candy.
Well, I am sure there will be many more snow pics yet to come this winter, but it's strange to think, perhaps not from this home anymore.