Friday, January 27, 2012

Phoebe Can Choose the Right

A couple weeks ago Phoebe gave her second talk in Primary. She spoke on Jesus created the earth so that we may come here to choose the right. The twins were super excited sit with Phoebe in Primary if only for a few minutes before returning to Nursery.
Here is Phoebe's talk; unfortunately you will also hear a lot of crying, just as Phoebe went up Josh fell off his chair and got a nasty bruise on his ear.


I have mentioned before but back in September I started Weight Watchers with the lofty goal to lose 50 lbs. Well, I am very proud to write that as of almost 2 wks ago I hit the 1/2 mark! At Thanksgiving I got mostly new tops some of which already are sadly too big for me already & at New Years I finally got new pants and for the first time in OVER a decade I was able to get a popular style of jeans instead of what just buying only thing that fit.  
I know that you can't tell much, but this picture was one of the first in a long time where I haven't hated my full body shot, ESPECIALLY when standing next to most of my sister's-in-law who are such Skinny Minnies! 

Here's to hoping the next 25 come off as smoothly as the first 25 (hello swimsuit season)!

Two of a Kind

In spit of all the screaming and beating the twins do on each other at the end of the day they LOVE each other and don't like to be separated. They sleep in the same bed still and even when there is a whole couch Cami snuggle up right next to her bro. & by the smile on Josh's face you can see he loved it.
Unlike Phoebe was at 2years old Cami is our resident little mother; she LOVES carrying around baby dolls & she dresses them, wraps them, rocks them, & changes them.(Phoebe use to kick her dolls and throw them across the room & if she snuggled anything it was a bear.) Cami hates when Sophie cries and is the first one there with kisses and to make her laugh.  So bearing this in mind when I was trying to cook dinner the other night and feed Sophie, so started to cry and Cami came and grabbed the already made oatmeal right off the counter behind me and went right over and began to feed Sophie for me. Surprisingly enough she didn't hardly gagged Sophie and Sophie ate her whole bowl of oatmeal.
I am predicting Cami will be the my child who goes into a care taking carrer or has a ton-o-kids.

Cami's First Cut

Cami has more lushes hair than any of my other children and it was driving her and me crazy. Her because it kept falling in her eyes and food and me because it ALWAYS was messy tangles. Last week we decided we  finally needed to do something about it so we took her to our wonderful neighbor Candice for her first hair cut. You can see she did have longer red lock
We went over not knowing what we should do bangs or not, length?? But my neighbor is great with hair and knew exactly what to do for our cutie Cams. Her last picture with bangs is uncanny how much then looks like me a little girl.
After styling her hair and a day to get use to the bangs I now LOVE Cams' hair and I think she really loves not getting her hair pulled when it's brushed & not fighting the hair constantly falling in her face. She even gave me her signature wink of approval!