In the middle of October Phoebe turned six and requested for her classroom treat that she have juice "the kind that stains" and suckers so I put together Squeeze Its and Dum Dums. since it is the juice that stains I made Phoebe wear a smock to drink it so it didn't stain her new shirt.
Later that evening we had a PJ and Pancake Party for Phoebe and a few of her new neighbor friends. Cory was our cook, which was so small undertaking since I made 3 batters: birthday cake, brownie and cinnamon roll all with their own yummy syrups. Birthday cake was my fav, but the other adults preferred cinnamon roll more.
Then the girls arrive decorated their own pink velvet princess crowns.
I then read them all, If You Give a Pig a Pancake.
Following the book we gorged on our delicious Pancake dinner!
After dinner we made our own fruit loop necklaces, this activity was a big hit and I got ring pops for their big diamond center stones, but most just wanted to eat them right away.
The girls gave Phoebe some of the cutest things, and she loved that so much of it was grown-up girl stuff (nail polish, jewelry, purses, hair extensions, etc.)
After gifts the girls picked their shade of pink polish and Cory or I painted their pretty little nails.
This party was pretty simple and had go home favors of a glow bracelet and polish, but the kids loved it just as much as the big parties I have done in the past. Note to self, when dealing with little kids less is just as fun for them.