Cory and I were floored to find out we are going to have twins. Cory really wanted twins because he is a twin and so we would be done with little ones. I kindly remind him that I have other plans, but who knows, after twin toddlers he may be right. We both are really exited and love to think of all the cute and fun things to do with twins, but I have to admit I am also a bit nervous for a couple reasons. One, when Cory and I were expecting Phoebe, we took extra care to buy most everything in unisex color pallets so we would never have to re buy anything, or so we thought. We now find ourselves in the situation of having to most everything again. Not to mention how do you fit 3 babies 2 and under with all their stuff in a compact car??? Oh wait trick question, you don't! This means we are now looking for a used SUV to trade up to, because Cory refuses to own a van. Two, the thought of two hungry babies crying at once or them taking shifts at night to wake up a cry scares me. Cory kindly reminds me, however, that twins are no real biggy and I just have to remember and that everything will work out. You are never blessed with more than you can handle so we here we on another Fergy Family Adventure.
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago