We started the first day of May off looking like we lived in a winter wonderland . . . so not cool in May!
Phoebe, after having to give up most of her stuffed animals for 4 months went a little on overload upon returning and insisted on sleeping with over half of them every night. since then (and the fact it took up most of her sleeping space) we have implemented a three animal at a time rule.
We have been having many Family Home Evenings on lying and so to start my lesson I told the kiddos that we had a chocolaty treat to eat and so they would know the sadness of being lied to. I instead pulled out some raw veggies, however the whole thing backfired on me when they were stilled excited about them and started to eat them. The rest of lesson was a bit lost on them after that. My kids are suck freaks!
Every Thursday we have started to go to the library to get books. On one particular week we found the book Phoebe and the Digger, a title I couldn't pass up since it was Phoebe, and digger a favorite of Joshes and Sophie's. Unfortunately, the book turned out to be real "special," and one I will likely never buy since I didn't care to ever re read it.
When the sun finally did come out in May we had to break down and buy a lawn mower and before I could even mow I had to pull 39 stakes out of our front yard, this is mainly just a reminder for me. When we moved in this house it seemed on nearly a daily bases we had some person or another planting stakes in our front yard, I was excited to pull all these out and have a clean yard finally! Since this day we have started the tradition of Friday Yard Care Day, which I have come to love and so have the kiddos because it is a time they can ride bikes, color on the driveway, run in the sprinklers and then lay out on the driveway and dry off.
For our May date night Cory and I finally got to go to another play at Desert Start Play house. We saw Les Miserables -or- a lot Less Miserable, which was one of the funniest ones I've seen! This was also the first date Cory and I got to go one since came back to Utah in mid April. Man, I really needed a date out!!!
On the very last day in May our wee Fergy family had our first day of summer vacation since Phoebe had just graduated Preschool the day before. To celebrate the day we did our Friday Yard Day and played, played, played out in the sun all morning!
It was also this day that Phoebe self-appointed herself the chore of bring the cans back in the garage from the curb after pick-up, she still gets excited every week to do this chore.
Later in the evening our new primary had a little party for the kiddos at the neighborhood park and when I came to check on Phoebe I found her surrounded by 8 other boys. I know she has always been a popular girl but this sight frighted Cory a bit just thinking of all the boys he will be having to fight off in the future.
May was a busy month just settling more into our new home and yet still having school way in the other part of town by our old home. I am glad not to be commuting that distance 3 times a week anymore, but will also miss having an excuse to get over to see old friends so much.