Sunday, October 18, 2009

D-Week is Upon Us

At the end of this pregnancy we have had to frequent the Drs office twice a week of various appts and tests. This last Thursday was our bi-weekly ultrasound, that's right I said bi-weekly. I enjoy these appts the most because you get to see the wee ones, but unfortunately I learned that ultrasound techs are only allowed to measure babies once every 3 weeks, so mostly we just check their positions and heartbeats. This is nice, but I am always most eager to see how they are growing, so I was especially excited that last Thursday was finally our 3 wk appt. (Note: Three wks ago, Josh weighed 5.1 lbs and Cami was 4.13 lbs, an above normal weight for 1 baby no less twins.) Going in to this appt Cory and I had guessed that Josh would be about 6 1/2 lbs and Cami would be around 6 lbs because we were told to expect in the last couple months of pregnancy that each baby would gain about 1/2 lb each week. Apparently this is only true for babies and not heifers, which I am apparently carrying. Josh's measurements showed him to weigh 7.6 lbs and Cami as 6.14lbs. YIKES, Do the math! I am carrying 14lbs worth of babies; no wonder my legs and hips rebel when I try using them. I guess it had always been portrayed to me that twins were suppose to be small, but that apparently that is a fallacy, because our fatties will be finally joining us on the morning of Thursday Oct. 22nd weighing of between 7-8 1/2 lbs each.

Joshie (8 wks ago)


Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! That is just crazy. I can't imagine since my little Joshie was just over 5lbs all by himself. Way to go Mommy! Are you having a c/s then? Or did the babies flip themselves yet? Hope all is going well.

Motion DeSmiths said...

Yikes. 8 lbs is plenty for just one baby. Until now, I thought that having twins would be a pretty sweet deal--two for the price of one! But now I'm seeing that's not exactly the case. Poor Jennie! Let me know when you're recovered enough to want visitors.

Amber Madsen said...

WOWSER, you are carrying HEFERS!!! :) We can't wait to see them!!! Good Luck with EVERYTHING!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! A speedy delivery to you from Adam and I.

Taylor Family said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! What a relief it will be to have those babies out; that's a lot of baby to be hauling around for so long in such a small body.